Sunday, April 24, 2011

The beholder

I'm a 64 yr old african - american freshman, at the SCCC campus. I look at that young lady in the yellow, and " That's what I'm talk'n about". She is what I've been looking for. Even if never meet a fox like her, I can dream, can't I?
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Thursday, April 22, 2010

There are some foxy looking women out there. Just one thing wrong. They don't know when to stop drinking. They fight, act like animals and forget that being drunk is not sexy. Find someone rightous, who'll listen and help. Mabe you'll becoe a superstar, who knows.
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Monday, May 11, 2009

Images of the other sex

Sometimes, I wonder How we would picture women, if we thought they had a brain? Are they just one huge vigina or are the whole persons. When will love take the center seat in our lives? Perhaps we are not as advanced a species as we think. For myself I enjoy being with the entire package and just a peice of hit. Ya know what I mean.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Why do I feel traped?

What forces, far beyond my contorl, hinder me from looking for love? Here,I am 62 year young, and yet , old fearful ideas die slowly. Not only for others, but for myself as well. As hard as I try color is always there. I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT OF WOMEN AS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREATURES IN GODS INENTORY. What differance can such a thing as skin color mean in the persuit of - love. Who made these rules, and who inforces them. My own fears must be pushed aside. This is not about changing the world, Its about changing our hearts